Monday, February 18, 2013


Earlier this year I read Shakespeare's Secret, by Elise Broach. I really enjoyed it, so a few days ago I chose to read Masterpiece, by the same author. Masterpiece tells the story of Marvin. Marvin is a beetle, living with his family in a hollowed out corner of the cupboard in the kitchen of James, son of Mrs. Pompaday and step-son of Mr. Pompaday. When James, who is constantly ignored and under-appreciated by his family, receives a fountain pen and ink from his artist father, he is exasperated. Marvin finds the art set and, by dipping his front legs into the ink, discovers that he can draw. The result is a breath-taking two-dimensional version of the outside view. Mrs. Pompaday sees the drawing and thinks her son is the artist. Soon James finds himself being compared to Albrecht Durer, the famous Renaissance artist, and becomes involved in a plot to help the Metropolitan Museum of Art recover several Durer masterpieces that have been stolen.

I didn't love the book as much as I did Shakespeare's Secret, as it wasn't as thematically or linguistically advanced, but it was a light, fun, easy to read story. I also happen to be a huge fan of books relating to museums and art heists, so I did especially enjoy those aspects of the book. I think people looking for a break between heavier, more advanced reads would particularly enjoy this.

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