Sunday, January 6, 2013

Looking For Alaska

When I first started reading the Looking For Alaska, by John Green, I was immediately sucked in. The writing is fluid and vivid, and the characters so charismatic that the book is almost physically impossible to put down. The book is about Miles, nicknamed 'Pudge' an ironic comment on his thin figure. The book follows him as he, friendless and alone, moves to Culver Creek Boarding School. Here he meets his roommate, Chip (the Colonel), and Alaska Young, among others. They immediately pull him into a tidal wave of pranks, contraband, and fun. Nothing is ever the same again.

This has become one of my favorite books I've read this year—emotionally riveting and intense as well as clever and philosophical, it is both endearing and heart-wrenching. Through the changes in Pudge's life he retains his voice and personality, which enhances the reading experience greatly. I also love the way the characters and their lives are portrayed honestly, without being made unrealistically dramatic or glamorous. The story is well written while also being probable, which helps you to see yourself in the protagonist's shoes. It's wide cast allows for diversity in personalities, which keeps the book interesting. The books is amazing—it's a great book for everyone, and I strongly recommend it.


  1. I loveeeeee John Green!
    He's awesome. His books all share the high quality as in "Looking for Alaska." They share a lot more than the quality as well... read my post about John Green if you want to know what I mean. They're all awesome, but all extremely alike. A new book of his just came out too, "The Faults in Our Stars", that is amazing. Might want to read it if you liked "Looking for Alaska".
    Great post!

  2. I just read the fault in our stars! It was amazing. Have you read his other three books? I'll make sure to check out your post.
